Communication for Successful Aging

Communication for Successful Aging

Empowering Individuals Across the Lifespan

Davis, Sharde M.; Giles, Jane; Giles, Howard; Gasiorek, Jessica

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Matters of Communication and Aging 2. Messages of Agism and Age Stereotypes 3. Age Identities: What Are They and How Do They Emerge? 4. The Ingredients of Intergenerational Communication 5. The Media, Agism, and Anti-Aging 6. Talking About Death - Or Not 7. Successful Aging and Communication 8. Conclusions and Vistas: Communicating Resilience, Hope, and Empowerment
Successful Aging;Painful Self-disclosures;Communicative Ecology Model;Face To Face;Age Stereotypes;Persona;Young Man;Follow;Communication Predicament Model;Patronizing Talk;Intergenerational Encounters;Intergenerational Interactions;Communication Accommodation Theory;Disengaged;Age Salient;Final Conversations;Age Identity;Identity Denial;Laugh Line;World Health Organization's Call;Age Ideologies;Intergenerational Communication;Tv Writer;Successful Word Retrieval;Negative Subtypes