Clyfford Still - The Artists Materials

Clyfford Still - The Artists Materials

Lake, Susan F.; Ramsay, Barbara A.

Getty Trust Publications






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword Timothy P. Whalen
Preface Sandra Still Campell
Chapter 1: A Life in Art
Early Life and Education
The Itinerant Artist and Teacher
The Myth and the Man
Chapter 2: Reconsideration and Recapitulation: The Development of a Unique Visual Style
Visual Style
Chapter 3: Painting Materials
Auxiliary Supports
Supports Fabrics
Sizing, Priming, and Underdrawing
Paint Medium
Surface Coatings
Signatures, Titles, and Other Inscriptions
Chapter 4: Condition and Conservation
Inorganic Efflorescence: Metal Soaps
Discoloration and Fading
Appendix I Analysis of powdered pigments in 40 containers randomly selected from Still's studio
Appendix II Analysis of 15 tube paints randomly selected from Still's studio
Appendix III Pigments identified in 37 paintings 1942 - 1977
Appendix IV Analysis of binding media of 37 paintings 1942 - 1977
Appendix V Still's instructions on the care of his paintings
Appendix VI Analytical Methods
About the authors
Abstract Expressionist; Clyfford Still Museum; painting conservation; tube paints; Jackson Pollock; Willem de Kooning; Mark Rothko; Barnett Newman; inorganic efflorescence; supports; fabrics; sizing; priming; underdrawing; pigments; surface coatings; frames; metal soaps; discoloration; fading; Michael Leja; Susan Landauer; Clay Spohn; Richard Diebenkorn; Edward Corbett; Hassel Smith; Ad Reinhardt; Man Ray; Harold Rosenberg; Clement Greenberg; Franz Kline; Jon Scheuler; Phil Guston; David Anfam; Robert Lodge; Dee Ardrey; William Shank; Diane Still Knox; materials; art; techniques; methods; commercial; Irascibles; LIFE magazine; New York; experimental; San Francisco; California School; Fine; Joan Mitchell; Grace Hartigan; Lee Krasner; Helen Frankenthaller; Action Painters; Type Painting; Post-Painterly; Color-Field; gesture; Peggy Guggenheim