Climate Change and Microbes

Climate Change and Microbes

Impacts and Vulnerability

Parray, Javid A.; Shameem, Nowsheen; Bandh, Suhaib A.

Apple Academic Press Inc.






15 a 20 dias


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1. Role of Microorganisms as Climate Engineers: Mitigation and Adaptations to Climate Change 2. Climate Change-Induced Aggravations in Microbial Population and Processes: Constraints and Remediations 3. The Vulnerability of Microbial Ecosystems in a Challenging Climate 4. Climate Change and Its Influence on Microbial Diversity, Communities, and Processes 5. Climate Change and Its Impact on Plant-Microbe Interaction 6. Climate Change and Microbial Aquatic Life 7. Microbial Food-borne Diseases Due to Climate Change 8. Algae as Indicators of Climate Change 9. Regulation of Ethylene Levels with 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Deaminase Produced by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria 10. Core Microbiome of Solanum Lycopersicum for Sustainable Agroecosystems
Climate Change;Microbial Communities;PGPR;Soil Microbial;HABs;Acc Deaminase Enzyme;Sea Water;Soil Carbon;Soil Microbial Communities;Plant Microbe Interactions;Acc Deaminase;Ectomycorrhizal Fungi;Food Borne Diseases;Plant Microbiome;Acc Deaminase Activity;ACS Activity;Core Microbiome;Endophytic Fungi;S Adenosyl L Methionine;PGPR Bacterium;Tomato Plant;AcdS Gene;Soil Nematode Communities;Bacillary Dysentery;Ethylene Signaling Pathway