Chemistry of Discotic Liquid Crystals

Chemistry of Discotic Liquid Crystals

From Monomers to Polymers

Kumar, Sandeep

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction. Self-Organization of Molecules and Liquid Crystals. Brief History of Liquid Crystals. Classification of Liquid Crystals. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals. Thermotropic Liquid Crystals. Calamitic Liquid Crystals. Bent-Core Liquid Crystals. Discotic Liquid Crystals. Structure of the Nematic Phases of Discotic Mesogens. Smectic Phases of Discotic Mesogens. Columnar Phases of Discotic Mesogens. Cubic Phase. Alignment of Discotic Liquid Crystals. Monomeric Discotic Liquid Crystals. Benzene Core. Naphthalene Core. Phenanthrene Core. Anthraquinone Core. Pyrene Core. Triphenylene Core. Perylene Core. Dibenzo[g,p]chrysene Core. Dibenzo[ fg,op]naphthacene Core. Truxene Core. Decacyclene Core. Hexabenzocoronene Core. Macrocyclic Cores. Miscellaneous Aromatic Cores. Triazine Core. Phenazines. Hexaazatriphenylene Core. Heterotruxenes. Tricycloquinazoline Core. Porphyrin Core. Porphyrazine Core. Phthalocyanine Core. Miscellaneous Discotic Metallomesogens. Miscellaneous Heterocyclic Cores. Non-Aromatic Cores. scotic Dimers. nzene-Based Discotic Dimers. ylloinositol Dimer. scotic Dimers Derived from Pyranose Sugars. figallol-Based Discotic Dimers. iphenylene-Based Discotic Dimers. clotetraveratrylene Dimer. thalocyanine-Based Discotic Dimers. rphyrin Double-Deckers. xabenzocoronene-Based Dimers. scotic Oligomers. scotic Trimers. Discotic Tetramers. Discotic Pentamers. Discotic Hexamers. Star-Shaped Discotic Heptamers. Discotic Polymers. Benzene-Based Discotic Polymers. Alkynylbenzene-Based Discotic Polymers. Rufigallol-Based Main-Chain Discotic Polymers. Triphenylene-Based Polymers. Cyclotetraveratrylene-Based Polymers. Phthalocyanine-Based Polymers. Hexabenzocoronene-Based Polymers. Perspectives. Discotics for Wide Viewing Displays. Discotics for High-Quality Carbon Products. Discotic Liquid Crystals as Materials for a New Generation of Organic Electronics. Discotic Solar Cells. Discotic Liquid Crystals as Organic Light-Emitting Diode Materials. Discotic Field Effect Transistors
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DLCs;Liquid Crystalline;liquid crystals;Discotic Mesogens;supramolecular chemistry;Nematic Phase;organic electronics;Columnar Phase;organic synthesis;Discotic Molecules;nanomaterials;Thermal Behavior;STM Image;light emitting diodes;OC12H25 OC12H25;photovoltaic solar cells;Homeotropic Alignment;Solar Cell;Charge Carrier Mobility;Carbonaceous Mesophase;OLED Device;Lyotropic LC Phase;Viewing Angle Characteristics;LC Phase;NC CN;Mesophase Range;LCD Mode;Isotropic Phase Transition;Discotic Nematic Phase;Tb Cr;Organic Solar Cells;Discotic Liquid Crystalline