Chango, Decolonizing the African Diaspora

Chango, Decolonizing the African Diaspora

Tittler, Jonathan; Zapata Olivella, Manuel

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction Part 1: Origins 1. Land of Ancestors 2. The Slave Trade 3. The Elongated Footprint between Two Worlds Part 2: The American Muntu 4. Born between Two Seas 5. Children of God and the She-Devil 6. Elegba's Cross, Torture at Large! Part 3: The Vodou Rebellion 7. The Horses and Their Riders Speak 8. Bouckman's Drum 9. Freedom or Death Part 4: Rediscovered Bloodlines 10. Simon Bolivar: Memory of Oblivion 11. Jose Prudencio Padilla: Alien Wars That Seem Like Our Own 12. The Aleijadinho: Where Your Fingerless Hands Leave the Imprint of Your Spirit 13. Jose Maria Morelos: The Call of the Olmec Ancestors Part 5: Ancestral Combatants 14. The Ancestor Cult 15. The Thunderbolt Makers 16. The Civil War Gave Us Freedom, but Freedom Returned Us to Slavery 17. Hey, the Orichas Are Furious!
White Wolf;African Diaspora;Agne Brown;Afro-Latin America;Americas;Young Man;Black Literature;Chango;Mulatto;Cultural History;Diaspora;Decolonization;Tonight;Diaspora Studies;America;Manuel Zapata Olivella;Reborn;New World;Follow;Postcolonial Studies;Hanging Back;Race and Ethnicity;Fatherless;Conferred;Captain Brown;Holy Office;Dead Man;Freed Woman;Dense;Black Vomit;Wander;Crown Hotel;Harper's Ferry;Holy Virgin