Care Ethics and the Refugee Crisis

Care Ethics and the Refugee Crisis

Emotions, Contestation, and Agency

Morgan, Marcia

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Contextualizing the Problem: Rethinking Care Beyond Good and Evil

2. Aesthetic Care: Witnessing the Muteness of Human Suffering

3. From the Aesthetic to the Ethical: Self-Care and Care of the Other as Contestation

4. From Care Ethics to Political Care: Dependency, Misidentification, and Justice

5. Affective Rejoinders: Reconsidering the Role of Emotions and Imagination in Political Care

6. Contestatory Care as Love: Toward an Understanding of Religious Care

Human Suffering;EU's External Border;Marcia Morgan;NBC News;care ethics;International Humanitarian Law;refugee crisis;Fine Day;forced migration;Aylan Kurdi;fascism;Ethical Self-constitution;transnational justice;Ethico Political Action;contestation;Richard J. Bernstein;Feminist Care Ethics;Jason Stanley;Elena Fiddian Qasmiyeh;Agnes Heller;Aesthetic Care;value fundamentalism;Christian Neighbor Love;Omran Daqneesh;Thomas Brudholm;mute aesthetics;Substantive Subjectivity;aesthetic representation;Neighbor Love;aesthetic witnessing;Empathic Judgment;everyday aesthetics;Civil Society;Theodor Adorno;Kierkegaard's Writings;Susan Sontag;Infinite Qualitative Difference;Michael Kelly;Nussbaum's Argument;Sara Ahmed;Thomas Nail;Jacques Ranciere;Christian Nationalism;politics of aesthetics;United States National Anthem;equality;distribution of the sensible;Friedrich Nietzsche;Bonnie Honig;Michel Foucault;Miriam Ticktin;Zymunt Bauman;Gayatri Spivak;Judith Butler;care of the other;self-care;empty subjectivity;humanitarianism;Qasmiyeh;Gwilym David Blunt;Parvati Raghuram;Daniel Engster;political care;dependency;witness;misidentification;empathy;affect