Austinian Themes

Austinian Themes

Illocution, Action, Knowledge, Truth, and Philosophy

Sbisa, Marina

Oxford University Press





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
Part 1: Illocution
1: The Discovery of Illocution
2: Discussing Illocution
Part 2: Action
3: Speech as Action
4: From Failure to Action
5: Further Aspects and Implications of Austin's View of Action
Part 3: Knowledge
6: Knowledge and Assertion
7: Perception and Knowledge
8: When We Do Not Know
9: Knowledge in its Making
Part 4: Truth
10: Getting to Grips with Truth
11: Meaning
12: Use
13: Context
Part 5: Philosophy
14: Linguistic Phenomenology
15: Philosophy and the Ordinary
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