At the Sources of the Twentieth-Century Analytical Movement

At the Sources of the Twentieth-Century Analytical Movement

Kazimierz Twardowski and His Position in European Philosophy

Brozek, Anna; Jadacki, Jacek







15 a 20 dias


Descrição não disponível.

Opening Word?

??Varieties of Scientific Philosophy From Modest Proposals to Implausible Conceptions???

??Tadeusz?? ??Szubka???????

part 1??

Philosophy and Humanities?

1?Judgement and Inference The Relevance of Twardowski's Distinction between Actions and Products for Philosophy???

??Maria?? ??van der Schaar??????

2?Twardowski's Action/Product Distinction and Philosophy

??Jan?? ??Wole?n?ski???????

part 2??


3?The Influence of Twardowski's Distinction between Actions and Products on Ingarden's Act-Based Conception of Meaning

??S?e?bastien?? ??Richard??????

4?Twardowski's Psychologism and the Ontology of Truth

??Dariusz?? ???L?ukasiewicz???????

part 3??

Intentionality and Persistence?

5?Idiogenetic Theory of Emotions

??Arkadiusz?? ??Chrudzimski??????

6?Czezowski et al.? on Persistence

??Mariusz?? ??Grygianiec???????

part 4??

Truth and Usefulness?

7?Absoluteness of Truth and the Lvov-Warsaw School Twardowski, Kotarbi?n?ski, Le?s?niewski, ?L?ukasiewicz, Tarski, Kokoszy?n?ska???

??Jan?? ??Wole?n?ski??????

8?Pragmatism and Pragmatic Motives in the Lvov-Warsaw School

??Anna?? ??Bro?z?ek???????

part 5??


9?Why Totally Unjustified Convictions Persist? Twardowski on the Nature of Prejudice???

??Johannes L.?? ??Brandl??????

10?Twardowski and the Rationality of Beliefs

??Ryszard?? ??Kleszcz???????

part 6??

Logic and Education?

11?Formal and Informal Logic in the Lvov-Warsaw School as a Heritage of Twardowski

??Anna?? ??Bro?z?ek??????

12?For Logical Education The Resonance of Twardowski's Ideas in the Views of Selected Members of the Lvov-Warsaw School???

??Marcin?? ??B?e?dkowski???????

Closing Word?

???Twardowski in Poland and in the World

??Anna?? ??Bro?z?ek??? ?and? ???Jacek?? ??Jadacki???????

Index of Names
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Kazimierz Twardowski; Lvov-Warsaw School; act; analytical philosophy; inference; logic; logical education; product; rationality