Anticancer Agents from Natural Products

Anticancer Agents from Natural Products

Cragg, Gordon M.; Kingston, David G. I.; Newman, David J.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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PLANT PRODUCTS: Introduction. Camptothecin and its Analogs. Discovery and Development of the Combretastatins. Homoharringtonine and Related Compounds. Podophyllotoxins and Analogs. Taxol and Its Analogs. The Vinca Alkaloids. MARINE PRODUCTS: The Bryostatins. The Cryptophycins. The Discodermolides. The Dolastatins. Ecteinascidin-743. Aplidin. Kahalalide F. Discovery of E7389. Synthetic Halichondrin Analog.HTI-286. Synthetic Analog of Hemiasterlins. Salinosporamide etc. MICROBIAL PRODUCTS: The Actinomycins. The Anthracyclines. Ansamitocins (Maytansanoids). Benzoquinone Ansamycins. The Bleomycin Group. Biochemical Evaluation of CC1065 Analogs. Epothilone, A Myxobacterial Metabolite. Enediynes Biosyntheses. The Mitomycins. Staurosporines and Related Compounds. Potential for New Compounds from Gene Analyses (Bacterial and Fungal). Environmental DNA. MISCELLANEOUS DEVELOPMENTS: Combinatorial Biosynthesis. Developments and Future Trends.
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Total Synthesis;Metastatic Breast Cancer;total;Baccatin III;synthesis;Vinca Alkaloids;vinca;Vivo Antitumor Activity;alkaloid;SCL Cancer;maximum;CCRF CEM Cell;tolerated;Cryptophycin;dose;Tubulin Polymerization;structure;Structure Activity Relationship;activity;DNA Alkylation;relationships;Antitumor Activity;Dolastatin;DNA Binding;Ester Side Chain;Combinatorial Biosynthesis;Small Cell Lung Cancer;SAR;Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase;NRPS;Anticancer Natural Products;TFA Salt;Omacetaxine Mepesuccinate;Mantle Cell Lymphoma;P388 Murine Leukemia Cells