Agricultural, Forestry and Bioindustry Biotechnology and Biodiscovery

Agricultural, Forestry and Bioindustry Biotechnology and Biodiscovery

Newman, David J.; Steinmacher, Douglas A.; Chong, Pablo A.

Springer Nature Switzerland AG






15 a 20 dias


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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) impact and current status in Latin America: technological sovereignty or dependence?.- New biotechnology promising approaches for disease control on bananas and plantains.- Complementation of bananas conventional breeding programs through biotechnological genetic improvement.- The stress as inducer of heritable changes in micropropagated banana: the hypothesis of cytokinin accumulation.- Somatic embryogenesis for clonal propagation and associated molecular studies in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.).- Use of biotechnology in Forestry breeding programs for natural resources and biodiversity conservation; Creating super trees for the future.- Stress modulation in Pinus spp. Somatic embryogenesis as model for climate change mitigation; Stress is not always a problem.- A Protective Role for Accumulated Dry Matter Reserves in Seeds During Desiccation: Implications for Conservation.- Biodiversity in Ecuador and its immense potential for agricultural pest control.- Native biodiversity: a strategic resource to accelerate bioeconomy development in Latin America and the Caribbean.- Low cost crop waste biosorbent technology for removing toxic and pollutants from wastewater.- The status of plant and plant-microbe interactions related to medicinal agents.- Bringing new function to packaging materials by agricultural byproducts.- Use of banana crop wastes to develop products in the aquaculture and plastic sectors.- Use of agroindustrial biomass for biofuels, enzymes discovery and production.- Temperature Profiles during the Fermentation of Cacao 'Nacional' to understand chocolate quality .- Ethno Phytopharmacology. Product validation process based on traditional knowledge of medicinal plants.- Biological control as a key tool for the management of invasive species in Latin America and the Caribbean.- Current research on Andean fruit crop diseases.- Biotechnological tools for the development of Foc TR4-resistant or tolerant Musa spp. Cultivars.- Integrated pest management of whitefly crop-free periods can reduce the Begomovirus transmission in tomato
GMO;banana biotechnology;banana breeding;cacao biotechnology;rice improvement;tree stress modulation;plant-microbe;forestry bioproducts;biodegradable materials;agroindustrial biomass;Ethno-phytopharmacology;natural resources and energy economics