Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food

Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food

Insights from Ghana and Cambodia

Tsikata, Dzodzi; Gironde, Christophe; Golay, Christophe; Pruegl, Elisabeth; Bourke Martignoni, Joanna

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Agriculture Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food
Joanna Bourke Martignoni, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Pruegl, Fenneke Reysoo and Dzodzi Tsikata

Section I: Commercialized Livelihoods, Gender and Food Security

Section Introduction: The Food Security and Right to Food Implications of Gendered Land and Agricultural Commercialization
Dzodzi Tsikata

1. From Food-crop to Food-shop. Agricultural Commercialization, Food Security and Gender Relations in Cambodia
Christophe Gironde, Andres Torrico Ramirez, Kim Thida and Amaury Peeters

2. Gender, Agricultural Commercialization and Food Security in Ghana
Fred Dzanku and Dzodzi Tsikata

3. Emerging rural food markets in Kampong Thom (Cambodia): right to food, gender and shifting food cultures
Fenneke Reysoo

4. Gender, Changing Food Cultures and Food Security in the Context of Agricultural Commercialization in Ghana
Promise Eweh and Dzodzi Tsikata

Section II: Gender(ed) Policies for Food Security in a Commercializing World

Section Introduction: Gender(ed) Policies for Food Security
Elisabeth Pruegl

5. Gender Mainstreaming in a Hybrid State: Entanglements of Patriarchy and Political Order in Cambodia's Food Security Sector
Saba Joshi, Muy Seo Ngouv and Elisabeth Pruegl

6. Minding the Gap in Agriculture and Food Security: Gender Mainstreaming and Women's Participation in Policy Processes in Ghana
Martha A. Awo and Anna Antwi

7. Agricultural Commercialization and Gender Mainstreaming in Decentralized Ghana: The Politics of Business
Daniel Adu Ankrah, Dzodzi Tsikata and Fred Dzanku

Section III: Rights to Food, Land and Gender Equality in a Commercializing World

Section Introduction: Rights to Food, Land and Gender Equality
Joanna Bourke Martignoni

8. Feminist Legal Geographies of Land Titling, Indebtedness and Resistance in Rural Cambodia
Joanna Bourke Martignoni and Saba Joshi

9. Legal Pluralism, Gender Justice and Right to Food in Agrarian Ghana
Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey and Atudiwe P. Atupare

10. Social Security in the Extractive State: Gender, Land Inheritance and Agrarian Change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia
Alice Beban and Joanna Bourke Martignoni

11. Constitution, Courts, Right to Food and Gender Equality in Ghana
Atudiwe P. Atupare

Conclusion: From the Unequal Harvests of Commercialization to the Right to Food and Gender Equality: What Roles for Governments, Agribusinesses and Rural Communities?
Joanna Bourke Martignoni, Christophe Gironde, Christophe Golay, Elisabeth Pruegl and Dzodzi Tsikata
agricultural commercialization;gender equality;right to food;Cambodia;Ghana;human rights;class;sustainable development;Young Men;CEDAW;Southern Study Areas;Large Scale Land Acquisitions;Identify Gender Biases;UN;Southern Ghana;Food Security;Phnom Penh;Gender Mainstreaming;Civil Society;Seasonal Food Shortages;Legal Pluralism;Neoliberal Agricultural Policies;Rural Food Markets;Khmer Woman;Global Land Rush;Violated;Mobile Food Vendors;CEDAW Committee;Cpo Price;Female Focus Group Discussions;Land Inheritance