Agency, Pregnancy and Persons

Agency, Pregnancy and Persons

Essays in Defense of Human Life

Blackshaw, Bruce P.; Colgrove, Nicholas; Rodger, Daniel

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Robert P. George


Nicholas Colgrove

Part I. Zygotes, Embryos and Fetuses

1. Is the Human Embryo an Organism?

Maureen L. Condic

2. A Plausible Account of Basic Equality

Henrik Friberg-Fernros

3. Embryonic Persons

Richard Playford

4. Whose Body?

Christopher Tollefsen

5. It is More Difficult to Justify Abortion if Fetuses are Parts of their Mothers

David Hershenov

6. Do Fetuses Have the Same Interests as Their Mothers?

Helen Watt

Part II: The Abortion Debate

7. Hypocrisy, Consistency and Opponents of Abortion

Bruce P. Blackshaw, Nicholas Colgrove and Daniel Rodger

8. Adoption, Abortion and the Demands of Integrity

Kate Finley

9. The Impairment Argument Against Abortion

Perry Hendricks

10. The Artificial Womb and the End of Abortion

Christopher Kaczor

11. The Feminists' Dilemmas: A Response to Overall's "Rethinking Abortion, Ectogenesis, and Fetal Death"

Jessalyn A. Bohn

12. Violinists, Burglars, People-Seeds, Samaritans and Reluctant Bone Marrow Donors: Why Do We Need Analogies to Pregnancy in Order to Understand It?

Francis J. Beckwith

Part III: Abortion and Medical Practice

13. False Compassion, True Discrimination: The Practice of Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion

Christopher Ostertag

14. Is Abortion Medically Necessary?

Toni C. Saad

15. Abortion's Causal Role in Trauma and Suicide

Calum Miller

16. Telemedicine Abortion: Why It Is Not Safe for Women

Calum Miller
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Daniel Rodger;abortion choice;pro-life position;personhood;human embryo;conception;moral permissibility of abortion;substance view;time-relative interests;inconsistency arguments;impairment argument;maternal interests;potentiality;artificial wombs;duty to rescue;abortion and mental health;Nicholas Colgrove;Francis J. Beckwith;Vice Versa;Sperm Egg Fusion;Ectopic Pregnancies;Abortion Opponents;Human Embryos;Abortion Providers;Selective Abortion;Conjoined Twin;Morally Permissible;Unborn Human Beings;Perinatal Palliative Care;Human Zygote;Ceteris Paribus Clause;Prenatal Human;Prenatal Diagnosis;Reproductive Autonomy;Medical Abortion;SRH Care;Foster Care System;Maternal Parts;Fetal Death;Poorer Mental Health Outcomes;Abortion Proponents