Adam of Bremen's Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum

Adam of Bremen's Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum

Origins, Reception and Significance

Bartusik, Grzegorz; Biskup, Radoslaw; Morawiec, Jakub

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction / Henrik Janson, Imperial politics and visions of the North / Lukasz Neubauer, "Proselytus et advena": What Does Adam of Bremen Seem to Reveal about Himself and His Ancestry in the Opening Lines of His Gesta / Jakub Morawiec, Sveinn Ulfsson as Adam's informant / Maciej Lubik, St. Olaf and Adam of Bremen's narrative pragmatics / Carina Damm, Ad insulas Baltici - Role and reception of scholia in Adam of Bremen's Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum / Laura Gazzoli, Adam's Gesta as a source for Tenth-Century Norwegian History / Marcin Boehm, The eleventh-century Normans of Normandy in the view of Adam of Bremen / Jules Piet, Religious conversions in Adam of Bremen Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontifiucm and in Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum in a comparative perspective / Annett Krakow, Olaph, Emund, Anund: traces of the influence of Adam of Bremen on Yngvars saga vi?f?rla and the interpretation of the historical Yngvarr / Piotr Pranke, Adam of Bremen and the visions of the state in the Early Medieval Scandinavia - chiefdom, leadership, kingship, segmental tribes - and the social changes in the age of commemoration - a comparative approach. / Marta Rey-Radlinska, Ars moriendi and figures of power in Adam of Bremen's Gesta / Lukas Gabriel Grzybowski, Female characters and historical meaning in the Gesta Hammaburgensis / Kendra Willson, The figure of Gunnhildr. Types, dynasties, and alliances / Miriam Mayburd, At the Edge of Time. Adam of Bremen's Imaginary North and Horror Vacui / Tatjana N. Jackson, Scythia and the Scythian Sea on the Mental Map of Adam of Bremen / Leszek Gardela, Harald Bluetooth and the Slavic World / Piotr Pietkowski, Description of the Oder estuary in Adam of Bremen's Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum. The oldest accounts on the river until the end of the 12th century / Wojciech Filipowiak, Adam of Bremen and archaeology of Wolin / Pawel Migdalski, Adam of Bremen's Gesta as a source of Polish Politics of History in Wolin after World War Two.
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Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum;Harald;Sven Estridsen;Archbishop Adalbert;Book III;Saxo Grammaticus;Harald Bluetooth;Adam's Text;Adam's Narrative;Adam's Account;Henry III;Adam's Chronicle;Olaf Tryggvason;Young Men;Gregory VII;Olaf Haraldsson;Adam's Work;Yngvars Saga;Niels Lund;Baltic Sea;Toponymic Data;Norse Sources;Szczecin Lagoon;Dux;Runic Inscription