AI and Society

AI and Society

Tensions and Opportunities

El Morr, Christo

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Chapter 1: The Human Factors of AI - Where are we now and where are we headed? Lessons learned from AI in Healthcare

Chapter 2: AI and Safety in Healthcare

Chapter 3: The Politics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Diagnosis and Treatment

Chapter 4: AI Impact: Social and Legal Aspects Analysis of the impact of algorithms in siloing users: special focus on YouTube

Chapter 5: Affective Change through Affective AI

Chapter 6: AI Lenses: Citizens' Guide to the Futures with Citizen Digital Twins

Chapter 7: Artificial Intelligence in the sports industry

Chapter 8: The Use of AI by Public Service Media: Between Advantages and Threats

Chapter 9: Tackling bias in AI and promoting responsible research and innovation: Insights from discussions with different stakeholders

Chapter 10: Promises and Bargains: The Emerging Algorithmic Contract

Chapter 11: Artificial Intelligence, Law and Vulnerabilities

Chapter 12: AI Biases: a scoping review

Chapter 13: AI & Ethics: an approach to building ethical by design intelligent applications

Chapter 14: AI-driven IoT Systems and Corresponding Ethical Issues

Chapter 15: Trustworthy Bioethicists within Lifecycles of Artificial Intelligence in Health

Chapter 16: Can an AI analyze arguments? Argument-checking and the challenges of assessing the quality of online information

Chapter 17: On The 21st Century Digital Toys: The Paradox of Data Literacy

Chapter 18: What is the value of a person when Artificial Intelligence can do all the work?
machine learning;Internet of things;philosophical;ethical;legal;social;AI Technology;health;AI System;mutli-disciplinary;AI Application;Recommender Systems;Ai Algorithm;EHRs;Algorithmic Biases;Big Data;Dt;PSM Organization;Contemporary Society;Artificial Intelligence;UN;General Data Protection Regulation;Algorithmic Contracts;Ai Developer;Natural Language Processing;PSM Institution;Violating;SVM;Compass Project;Ai Safety;Standard Form Contracts;Algorithmic Systems;Translational Ethics