History of Business Cartels

History of Business Cartels

International Politics, National Policies and Anti-Competitive Behaviour

Fellman, Susanna; Shanahan, Martin

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. International Cartels in the Real World: Business, Politics and Diplomacy Susanna Fellman and Martin Shanahan International cartels and national industry policies 2. Multinationals, International Cartels and National Powers. The Case of the Plate Glass Industry in Interwar Italy Marco Bertilorenzi 3. How Cartels Shaped Corporate Performance: The Case of Dutch Steel Industry in the Interwar Period Bram Bouwens and Joost Dankers 4. Taming the Leviathans: How Norway Managed to Regulate the Strongest International Cartels and Trusts, 1900-1940 Pal Thonstad Sandvik and Espen Storli 5. International Cartels in the Political Origins of German Competition Policy, 1949-1973 Brian Shaev International Cartels and the influence on market standards 6. ITT, LM Ericsson and Their Market-Sharing Cartel in Denmark and Norway in the 1930s Harald Espeli 7. International Cartels and National Legislation: Cartels of the Electro-Technical and Machine-Building Industry in Hungary Maria Hidvegi National cartels' relation to international cartels and international business 8. The European Cement Oligopoly. A French Business Perspective from 1880 to today Dominque Barjot 9. European and Swedish Cement Cartels, 1930s-1960s: Stronger Together Malin Dahlstroem 10. Building international diplomacy. The European Timber Cartel in the 1930s Elina Kuorelahti 11. The relationship between Spanish Cement, Sugar and Fertilizer Cartels and their European Counterparts under Franco Ana Rosado-Cubero 12. Behind the 'Tartan Curtain': Cartelisation in the Scotch Whisky Industry, 1830-1960 Andrew Perchard and Niall G. MacKenzie International Cartels, diplomacy and war 13. The Congo Cartel. Governing Raw Materials Chains and Socio-Economic Stability 1918-1950 Robrecht Declercq 14. The German-Dutch 'Cartel' Relationship: Between Law and Business Practice, 1896-1958 Eva Maria Roelevink 15. International Politics and Cartels: Swedish Forest Industry Cartels during the Nazi Regime Birgit Karlsson 16. Dancing with the Sun and the Dragon: International Coal Cartels in East Asia, 1916-1937 Toshitaka Nagahiro and Yu Yamamoto 17. Lessons from history: insights from historical case studies Martin Shanahan and Susanna Fellman
international diplomacy;oligopoly;international business;dutch steel industry;corporate performance;italy;multinationals;industry policies;competition policy;International Cartel;Cartel Law;Cement Cartel;Cartel Agreement;Saint Gobain;Export Cartel;International Steel Cartel;Cartel Negotiations;Dutch Market;Nordic Timber;Cement Industry;European Cartel;Swedish Cartels;German Government;European Cement;Compulsory Cartel;Vice Versa;Colonial Administration;Fushun Coal;Scotch Whisky Industry;Cartel Conduct;Secretaries Of State;Syndicate Members;UK Government's Response;Nationalist Government