Critical Reader in Central Asian Studies

Critical Reader in Central Asian Studies

40 Years of Central Asian Survey

Isaacs, Rico

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: 40 Years of Central Asian Survey

Rico Isaacs

Section One: History


Mikhail Akulov


The Russian conquest of Central Asia (1982), Mehmet Saray

The role of the pristavstvo institution in the context of Russian imperial policies in the Kazakh Steppe in the nineteenth century (2014), Gulmira Sultangalieva

The creation of Soviet Central Asia: The 1924 national delimitation (1995), Steven Sabol

Humans as territory: forced resettlement and the making of Soviet Tajikistan, 1920-1938 (2011), Botakoz Kassymbekova

Marriage, modernity, and the 'friendship of nations': interethnic intimacy in post-war Central Asia in comparative perspective (2007), Adrienne Lynn Edgar

Section Two: Identity and Nationalism


Kristoffer Rees


The politics of identity change in Soviet Central Asia (1984), S. Enders Wimbush

Creating national identity in socialist Mongolia (1998), Christopher Kaplonski

Imagined communities: Kazak nationalism and Kazakification in the 1990s (1999), Azamat Sarsembayev

Nationalism as a geopolitical phenomenon: The Central Asian case (2001), Farkhod Tolipov

Global Astana: nation branding as a legitimization tool for authoritarian regimes (2015), Adrien Fauve

Section Three: Islam


Galym Zhussipbek


Islam in Soviet central Asia, 1917-1930: Soviet policy and the struggle for control (1992), Shoshana Keller

Soviet Islam since the invasion of Afghanistan (1982), Alexandre Bennigsen

Islamic revival in the central Asian Republics (1994), Mehrdad Haghayeghi

The logic of Islamic practice: a religious conflict in Central Asia (2006), Sergei Abashin

Islamic discourses in Azerbaijan: the securitization of 'non-traditional religious movements (2018), Galib Bashirov

Section Four: Governing and the State


Assel Tutumlu


Sharaf Rashidov and the dilemmas of national leadership (1986), Gregory Gleason

Authoritarian political development in Central Asia: The case of Turkmenistan (1995), John Anderson

Tajikistan amidst globalization: state failure or state transformation? (2011), John Heathershaw

Disorder over the border: spinning the spectre of instability through time and space in Central Asia (2018), Natalie Koch

Section Five: Informal Institutions


Dina Sharipova


'Tribalism' and identity in contemporary circumstances: The case of Kazakstan (1998), Saulesh Esenova

Neopatrimonialism, interest groups and patronage networks: the impasses of the governance system in Uzbekistan (2007), Alisher Ilkhamov

Theories on Central Asian factionalism: the debate in political science and its wider implications (2007), David Gullette

Political and social networks in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan: 'clan', region and beyond (2009), Idil Tuncer-Kilavuz

Section Six: Contentious Politics


Asel Doolotkeldieva


Central Asian riots and disturbances, 1989-1990: Causes and context (1991), Yaacov Ro'i

Networks, localism and mobilization in Aksy, Kyrgyzstan (2005), Scott Radnitz

Poetry of witness: Uzbek identity and the response to Andijon (2007), Sarah Kendzior

The dynamics of regime change: domestic and international factors in the 'Tulip Revolution' (2008), David Lewis

Post-violence regime survival and expansion in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan (2016), Erica Marat

Section Seven: Gender


Nodira Kholmatova


The politics of gender and the Soviet paradox: neither colonized, nor modern? (2007), Deniz Kandiyoti

Making the 'empowered woman': exploring contradictions in gender and development programming in Kyrgyzstan (2018), Elena Kim, Asel Myrzabekova, Elena Molchanova & Olha Yarova

Women of protest, men of applause: political activism, gender and tradition in Kyrgyzstan (2019), Judith Beyer & Aijarkyn Kojobekova

What's in a name? The personal and political meanings of 'LGBT' for non-heterosexual and transgender youth in Kyrgyzstan (2010), Cai Wilkinson & Anna Kirey

Section Eight: Everyday Life


Rano Turaeva


Household networks and the security of mutual indebtedness in rural Kazakstan (1998), Cynthia Werner

Staying put? Towards a relational politics of mobility at a time of migration (2011), Madeleine Reeves

Wedding rituals and the struggle over national identities (2011), Sophie Roche & Sophie Hohmann

'How can I be post-Soviet if I was never Soviet?' Rethinking categories of time and social change - a perspective from Kulob, southern Tajikistan (2015), Diana Ibanez-Tirado

Section Nine: Regional and Global Perspectives


Zhanibek Arynov


Virtual regionalism, regional structures, and regime security in Central Asia (2008), Roy Allison

Regime security, base politics, and rent-seeking: the local and global political economies of the American air base in Kyrgyzstan, 2001-2010 (2015), Kemel Toktomushev

Blurring the line between licit and illicit: transnational corruption networks in Central Asia and beyond (2015), Alexander Cooley & J.C. Sharman

'Thoroughly reforming them towards a healthy heart attitude': China's political re-education campaign in Xinjiang (2019), Adrian Zenz
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
North American Free Trade Agreement;Young Men;post-Soviet Central Asian Countries;Chinggis Khaan;Man's Field;Pop Stars;International Monetary Fund;Solving Identity Conflicts;Central Asian Survey;Central Asian Studies;Alash Orda;Large Families;Rural Tajikistan;Manas Air Base;State Inquiry Commission;Civil Society;Central Asian Scholars;Andijon Events;Aral Sea;Tulip Revolution